One month in and feeling good!
Wow.. time flies when you're having a great time! As of today we have been living here for a month 😬 WOW! Is it weird that I almost feel a panic coming on...? I have so many things I want to do still and I find myself wanting to do it all at once as if i'm going to miss out! We had a car for the first week but then for the past three weeks we have been living by bike. This has meant that we ride with the kids to school and back and I don't jet out in the evening for groceries because it's way too dark to go on our road at night by bike. Getting groceries from the local store means stopping my shopping when the little basket is feeling heavy because I need to carry it on my back on the way home. It has meant that I think about everything I am buying (only groceries, a few bus tickets and biking gloves for the kids). Today Jeff and I went to the neighbouring town by bus to pick up a rental car that we will have for almost a month. I'm excited to have a little mo...