First Birthday Fun!

Our little girl turned one a few weeks ago! Wow.. and I thought the first year went by fast for the boys.. turns out it goes by even faster for number three. It has been an amazing year! I took a few months off before E arrived and I am so grateful that I did that. The boys and I could enjoy some quality time together visiting gymnastics classes, the beach, parks, heck, we did so much! The first few months with our new babe were very challenging.. she was happy, yet took hours to get her to fall asleep! It meant a lot of time with her strapped to us in the carrier. It's so nice to look back on it instead of being stuck in the middle of it :-p During her first year E experienced her first camping trip, a big plane ride and visit to Auntie A and Uncle N in Australia, her first Christmas, a trip to Arizona, and many more firsts and exciting things that I can't think of right now. Here are a few photos from her party :) Thank you so much to everyone that came on two sepa...