Baby E is Here!

Our beautiful baby girl has arrived! :) I feel so complete. She is beautiful and the boys are doing so well with everything. I know I'm just going to get more and more tired, and she is probably going to get more and more fussy over the next year.. but it's okay. It feels so good already knowing about all of the crazy stages that she will be going through and also that I won't be pregnant again!  These three beautiful children are ours and now we get to attempt to raise them without the influence of a crazy pregnant mom! :-p

Birth Story!
Baby E arrived in a hurry on May 29th at 5:38pm. I was 8 days overdue and therefore I had a non-stress test and ultrasound at the hospital at 2pm earlier that day. The two tests thankfully went great. As I was walking out of the tests I called Jeff to let him know everything was okay. During our phone call I had my first contraction(at 2:45) and had to stop walking during it :) Pretty neat that it happened at the hospital.. but of course I had to head back home to get Jeff, find somewhere for the boys to go and most of all to see if this was the real deal or not.

I timed the contractions on the way home while I noted the after school/work traffic that was starting to pile up... eek! I gave it an hour of contractions every 4 minutes before I called the midwife at 4pm.. she said  - get going! (The day before I had been checked by her and was already 5cm dilated and had had 5 stretch and sweeps).  We pawned the kids off on our very helpful neighbors! Thanks guys :) Jeff's parents headed down to help out, and Jeff and I headed to the hospital.

Jeff and I got to the hospital by 5 due to crazy traffic - thank goodness my water didn't break in the car and my contractions really weren't bad at all - My midwife checked me and I was 8cm. She said that she might as well break my water to get things moving.. But of course, knowing how fast things might go once your water breaks and you're 8cm already, I asked her to wait so I could finish my chocolate bar :-p After she broke my water I got in the shower - still not feeling too much pain (very different than the other labors!!) Within 10 minutes I was thinking 'WHOA!!", "Now I remember this pain... MAKE IT STOP!"...

All of a sudden I couldn't stand the shower and thus got out and went on all fours on the very clean hospital floor :-p Our midwife insisted that she was not going to deliver the baby on the floor so her and Jeff got me up on the bed  - within seconds I was ready to start pushing and by 5:38 (it felt like an hour had passed but I think it was only 15 minutes- I have no idea how in the world I pushed for 3 hours with each of the boys' labors) our baby girl was born!

So the entire labor and delivery was a whopping 3 hours for number 3! With Landon it had been 26 hours from start to finish and with Hudson it was 9 hours. 

She is now two weeks old and I am starting to feel like myself again :) The afterpains are gone (Super crazy with #3!!), my body is feeling a bit more 'normal', and now all I am dealing with are the very crazy night sweats.

Baby E is more awake each day and has a lot to watch with her very busy brothers running about :)


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